Unfortunately there is a growing number of bogus Gurus/Preachers.

1. Some preachers use emotions to capture people, this is deception. Never associate with such people.

2. Some preachers preach to make a living, their only interest is money. Never associate with such people.

3. Some preachers preach for their own advancement and benefit. They have no genuine care for others. Never associate with such people.

4. Some preachers preach based on their own perception and not based on what is stated in the scriptures. They concoct their own ideology. Never associate with those who do not quote from the scriptures to support their statements.

5. Some preachers make things up, this is lying. Never associate with liars.

6. Some preachers ask for money at front before preaching. Their only interest is money. Never associate with such people.

7. Some preachers are only interested in being served by others all day and live like a King. They will take advantage of others.  Never associate with such people.

8. Some preachers cannot describe God, nor do they know any information on God.  They are Godless. Never associate with those who are Godless.

9. Some preachers will kill to live (meat eating). Never associate with killers.

10. Some preachers will be lusty. Never associate with lusty people.

Only associate with those who preach for the benefit of others with no personal motives.

1. Pure preachers are those who do not ask for money, they always think about others and not about themselves. They have a genuine interest in liberating all souls, and they never consider their own liberation

2. Pure preachers will spend their time, energy, and money for the benefit of others.

3. Pure preachers will serve others and not just take service from others.

4. Pure preachers can describe God. His forms and activities.

5. Pure preachers will always quote from the scriptures to support their statements.

6. Pure preachers will eat and live simply.

“The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.25)

“A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind’s demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.”  (Nectar of Instruction 1)

“The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O Uddhava, a saintly person is merciful and never injures others. Even if others are aggressive he is tolerant and forgiving toward all living entities. “(Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.11.29) 

“He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination.”  (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 16.23)