What is Right and What is Wrong?
This gives a list of the divine and demonic qualities. One should strive to develop the divine qualities and reduce the demonic qualities. Killing is wrong, humans or animals. Thus no meat eating, no eggs, no leather goods like sofa, car seats etc. Leather is made from cows. Hatred towards [Read More]
Description of Life on the Hellish Planets
This describes the various hellish planets designed for people who engage in various sinful activities. What Exactly is Hell? The Vedic scriptures describe hell as planets where the sinners are taken after this life for their punishment. The following are statements from the Srimad Bhagavatam canto 5, which was written [Read More]
Is There Life After Death?
The oldest scriptures on the planet, the Vedic scriptures, explain what happens after death. What will happen to me after death? The non-Vedic religions preach that this is the only life and after this life, we wait in our grave for the day of judgment and on that day we [Read More]
Superiority of Vedic Knowledge
Charts with unique information, proving the superiority of Vedic knowledge. Time Structure of Universe Chart. The scientists and non-Vedic followers have absolutely no knowledge on the time structure of the universe. This knowledge can only come from God, and is only found in the Vedic scriptures. Detailed explanation of the chart. The [Read More]
Vedic Culture and Non-Vedic Cultures
The main differences between the Vedic culture and non-Vedic cultures. Sarva Bhavantu Sukhina (May all be happy) Sarva Santu Niramaya (May all be without disease) Sarva Bhadrani Pashyantu (May all be safe) Maa Kaschit Dukha Bhagh Bhavet (May none have misery of any sort) The ‘all’ means all living beings [Read More]
The Vedic Caste System
Based on the Vedic scriptures, there is a Vedic social work order system but there is no such thing as a Vedic caste system, commonly known as the Hindu caste system. The word ‘caste’ means fixed but ‘work order’ means it can change based on qualities, attitudes, and consciousness development. [Read More]
Vedic Principles of Creation
Vedic cosmology. Some unique information on creation, time structure of universe, and species. Click here for a pdf file of the Vedic Creation Tree Chart showing how creation took place Click here for a pdf file of the Time Structure of Universe Click here for a pdf file of the [Read More]
The Qualities of a Sanatan-Dharma Follower
A Sanatan-Dharma follower (a Vaisnava) is one who has surrendered unto the only proven God, Lord Vishnu (Krishna) Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja, the author of Caitanya-caritamrta, says that all good qualities become manifest in the body of a Vaisnava and that only by the presence of these good qualities can one [Read More]