

Become Pure

"Simply by associating with exalted devotees, anyone can attain perfection of knowledge and with the sword of knowledge can cut to pieces the illusory associations within this material world. Through the association of devotees, one can engage in the service of the Lord by hearing and chanting [śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam]. Thus [Read More]

Sat Sang

"Sat" means satyam or truth. "Sang" means association. "Sat Sang" means associating with truthful person(s) and listening to their advice or teachings. Who can be called truthful? One who always speaks the truth One who does not break vows One who does not make things up One who does not [Read More]

Never Give Pain to Anyone

"The self-effulgent Vaikuṇṭha planets, by whose illumination alone all the illuminating planets within this material world give off reflected light, cannot be reached by those who are not merciful to other living entities. Only persons who constantly engage in welfare activities for other living entities can reach the Vaikuṇṭha planets." [Read More]

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