“Although the living entities known as human beings are very small in quantity, that division may be still further subdivided, for there are many uncultured human beings like mlecchas, pulindas, bauddhas and śabaras.” (CC Madhya 19.145)
“Among human beings, those who are followers of the Vedic principles are considered civilized. Among these, almost half simply give lip service while committing all kinds of sinful activities against these principles. Such people do not care for the regulative principles.” (CC Madhya 19.146)
Those humans who believe in slavery, taking females captive, hatred, dividing humans into believers and unbelievers, and animal killing, are considered uncultured humans.
Those humans who are born into the Vedic culture and are not following the Vedic principles are considered fools. They have given up a diamond. Such fools will take birth among the uncultured humans after this short life.
God can only be known by the cultured humans, for the uncultured humans, God will be unknown, invisible, and unknowable.