What makes one a Vaishnava?

1. Always speaks the truth. Sides with the truth. Stands up for the truth. Never breaks vows.
2. ⁠Kind to all living beings. Feeds people, cows, dogs, peacocks, monkeys, and other living beings.
3. ⁠Always generous. Gives to others but does not ask.
4. ⁠Feels the pains of others. Always helpful to everyone, especially those in distress.
5. ⁠Never self centered. Always considers the well being of everyone. Works for the benefit of others. Wants all souls to be liberated first before the self.
6. ⁠Meditates on the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita and follows them.
7. ⁠Has a service to all attitude. Is a servant to everyone.
8. ⁠ Sees Krishna in all living beings and not just in temple deities. Treats everyone with kindness.
9. ⁠Forgives and tolerates.
10. ⁠Realizes that Krishna is everywhere and is a witness to all our actions. Always takes responsible actions.
11. ⁠Performs one’s prescribed duties.
12. ⁠Seeing everyone as equals but also discriminates between what is good and what is bad.
13. Pleases Krishna by following His teachings. All the above items.