What makes one a Vaishnava?
1. Always speaks the truth. Sides with the truth. Stands up for the truth. Never breaks vows.
2. Kind to all living beings. Feeds people, cows, dogs, peacocks, monkeys, and other living beings.
3. Always generous. Gives to others but does not ask.
4. Feels the pains of others. Always helpful to everyone, especially those in distress.
5. Never self centered. Always considers the well being of everyone. Works for the benefit of others. Wants all souls to be liberated first before the self.
6. Meditates on the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita and follows them.
7. Has a service to all attitude. Is a servant to everyone.
8. Sees Krishna in all living beings and not just in temple deities. Treats everyone with kindness.
9. Forgives and tolerates.
10. Realizes that Krishna is everywhere and is a witness to all our actions. Always takes responsible actions.
11. Performs one’s prescribed duties.
12. Seeing everyone as equals but also discriminates between what is good and what is bad.
13. Pleases Krishna by following His teachings. All the above items.