Truthfulness – Speak the truth, stand up for the truth, never break vows, and never betray anyone.

Compassion – Consider the well-being of others. Do something for the benefit of others.

Cleanliness – Look clean, dress cleanly, behave cleanly, and keep the areas you use clean.

Charity – By giving away, we become detached. By feeding others, we become purified.

Humbleness – Respect everyone, treat everyone equally and nicely, and be obedient.

Satisfaction – Be content with what you have or are given and make compromises. 

Forgiveness – Forgive the mistakes of others. One hour after a wrong action or if wrong words are said. It should be permanently deleted from your memory.

Tolerance – You don’t dump your children when they behave badly, because children will be naughty. Every adult will also behave like a child from time to time, because our child mentality is permanent. We must learn to accept and ignore bad behavior.

Going to temples, performing rituals, dressing like a monk, going on pilgrimage, and chanting of mantras. These are all useless if one does not have or develop the above qualities to a high degree. The first four items are the pillars or legs of religion. Following these is what makes one religious.