Origin of the Living Entities (Souls)
Based on the Bhagavad-Gita, the living entity is the eternal soul and not the body which is temporary. So basically we are the soul and not the body. The car and the driver are two different entities. In a similar way, the soul and body are two different entities, one [Read More]
The Big Bang Theory
The theory that it all started with a Big Bang is most unscientific. The Big Bang Theory The scientific theory of creation is that there was a big bang, which created the material elements (earth, water, gases, chemicals etc..). These material elements then somehow combined together and created the various [Read More]
Superiority of Vedic Knowledge
Charts with unique information, proving the superiority of Vedic knowledge. Time Structure of Universe Chart. The scientists and non-Vedic followers have absolutely no knowledge on the time structure of the universe. This knowledge can only come from God, and is only found in the Vedic scriptures. Detailed explanation of the chart. The [Read More]
Vedic Principles of Creation
Vedic cosmology. Some unique information on creation, time structure of universe, and species. Click here for a pdf file of the Vedic Creation Tree Chart showing how creation took place Click here for a pdf file of the Time Structure of Universe Click here for a pdf file of the [Read More]
The Science of the Embryo Development
This gives unique information on the development of the embryo, which was written down in the Vedic scripture called Srimad Bhagavatam, more than 5000 years ago. The below is a translation in English from the Vedic scripture called Srimad Bhagavatam (SB), which was written more than 5000 years ago. This [Read More]
What is Reincarnation?
Reincarnation - Energy (the soul) cannot be destroyed but it can change forms (bodies). This explains the reality that we are eternal and that this life is not the first one, nor the last one. Click here for a pdf file showing the facts on reincarnation and [Read More]
Calculation of Time, from the Atoms
More than 5000 years ago, the most accurate definition of time was given in the Vedic scriptures. What is Time? When atoms move to cover space, this is called time, and time is measured according to the amount of space covered by atoms [Srimad Bhagavatam 3.11.3-4]. It is generally accepted [Read More]