Become a Topmost Devotee
One must be logical and be able to quote from the scriptures to backup arguments and not blindly accept anything nor be falsely hyped up, and be tolerant and merciful to everyone. Such persons have highly elevated consciousness and are the topmost devotees. “One who is expert in logic, argument [Read More]
Bhakti Paths
There are many bhakti paths, here I compare 2 of them. Bhakti Paths Path 1 – Service to Krishna through People Path 2 – Service to Krishna via Deity 1 Serve people and Krishna will be served, because He is in everyone. Also serve the Deity of Krishna. Service [Read More]
Definition of a Pure Vaishnava
Devotees should become a center for everyone, and never self-centered. Shrimad-Bhagavatam 9.21.12 Translation I do not pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead for the eight perfections of mystic yoga, nor for salvation from repeated birth and death. I want only to stay among all the living entities and suffer [Read More]
World Religious Scriptures Claimed to be from God
Click here to see the world religious scriptures chart
The Purpose of Speaking the Bhagavad-Gita
The reason why Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna is to get him to do his duty of being a soldier by fighting in the war. Arjuna was also asked to think of Him (Lord Krishna) while performing his duty (of fighting in the war). "O son of Kuntī, [Read More]
Bhagavad-Gita Audio Recordings on
Based on my knowledge, in 2002, this site ( domain at that time) became the first site to have the audio of the Bhagavad-Gita online. It was the English recording first. Also it was for free listening with no charges. Later on I created recordings in other languages and placed [Read More]
The Vedic Elements in Islamic Teachings
The Vedic Elements in Islamic Teachings (click this to open pdf file)
Class of Devotees
Reward is directly related to the efforts. What you put in will determine what you will get out. Class A Devotee gosthy-anandis- Engaging others in devotional service Class B Devotee Bhajananandis – Devotion for personal benefit 1 This devotee spends his time on preaching by giving 100 people the Bhagavad-Gita [Read More]