

Dead Charity

There are three categories of charities. Full Benefit Charity "Charity given out of duty, without expectation of return, at the proper time and place, and to a worthy person is considered to be in the mode of goodness." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 17.20) Some Benefit Charity "But charity performed with the [Read More]

Following the Vedic Scriptures is Very Important

I have come across people dressed in devotee clothing who say that knowledge is not needed and they have no interest in following the scriptural injunctions. Such people are in gross ignorance and insult Lord Krishna who appears in His original form (Krishna form) once in a day of Brahma [Read More]


Truthfulness is the first pillar of Sanatan-Dharma. Truthfulness is the first step of Bhakti (devotional service unto Lord Krishna). Truthfulness is the most important quality that a Brahmin (priest) must have. Mother earth can tolerate carrying any heavy object, but she cannot tolerate carrying the load of one liar. Truthfulness [Read More]

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