The aim of performing devotional service unto Lord Krishna is to develop higher consciousness. It’s this higher consciousness which will take the soul to the spiritual world at death of the body. 

“The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another, as the air carries aromas. Thus he takes one kind of body and again quits it to take another. The living entity, thus taking another gross body, obtains a certain type of ear, eye, tongue, nose and sense of touch, which are grouped about the mind. He thus enjoys a particular set of sense objects.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 15.8-9)

It’s the consciousness developed that determines what body and situation of next life. Becoming advanced in science or making billions or becoming famous does not develop the consciousness to a higher level. Even most so-called devotional service performers are simply performers, because they do not actually develop their consciousness to a higher level.

The Symptoms of a Person who has developed Higher Consciousness

  • Truthful.
  • Humble.
  • Kind to everyone.
  • Considers the well being of everyone.
  • Generous.
  • Never self-centered.
  • Works for the benefit of all living beings.
  • Servant of everyone.
  • Responsive.

All the above can be summed up with the one statement. 

One who realizes that God is in everyone will behave properly with everyone and such a person has developed divine or higher consciousness.

“A true yogī observes Me in all beings and also sees every being in Me. Indeed, the self-realized person sees Me, the same Supreme Lord, everywhere. For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 6.29-30)
“Śrī Havir said: The most advanced devotee sees within everything the soul of all souls, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Consequently he sees everything in relation to the Supreme Lord and understands that everything that exists is eternally situated within the Lord.” (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.2.45)

When we meet anyone, we should realize that we are also meeting God who is present in the body of all living beings, and even in non-living beings (God is present in every atom).

“I exist within everything, and I am therefore the essence of the atomic constituents of material elements. (Lord Krishna, Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.15.12)

Lord Krishna is present in every atom.