Comparative Religion Teachings
The Bible has been delivered only once and there is no physical proof for Yahweh, the God of the Bible.
The Quran has been delivered only once via an angel, in a cave in the desert over a period of 23 years and only witnessed by one person. There is no physical proof for the God of the Quran.
The Bhagavad-Gita has been spoken by Lord Krishna in person, millions of times in many universes. He very clearly declared and proved Himself as God by performing miracles like showing the universe in His mouth, duplicating His body into thousands of identical forms, lifting a mountain on His pinky finger and holding it for 7 days, swallowing a forest fire and so on…
Krishna, Yahweh, and Allah are words in three books, and they all claim to be God, but only one of them has physically appeared and proven it. This is because, God is One