There are many bhakti paths, here I compare 2 of them.

Bhakti Paths

Path 1 – Service to Krishna through People Path 2 – Service to Krishna via Deity


1 Serve people and Krishna will be served, because He is in everyone. Also serve the Deity of Krishna. Service to Krishna via Deity service.
2 Feelings for people No feelings for people
3 Feed people Feed the Deity of Krishna
4 Serve people Serve the Deity of Krishna
5 Not self-centered Self-centered
6 Feels the pains of others No feelings for anyone
7 Serve everyone Serve only the Deity of Krishna
8 Here in the material world to serve everyone Here in the material world for service to Krishna only
9 Scriptures are authority No need to follow the scriptures
10 Serve the husband Serve the Deity of Krishna as my husband
11 Open minded Closed minded

People who follow or believe in path 2, should never get married.