Based on the Vedic scriptures, there is a Vedic social work order system but there is no such thing as a Vedic caste system, commonly known as the Hindu caste system. The word ‘caste’ means fixed but ‘work order’ means it can change based on qualities, attitudes, and consciousness development.
The first teaching of the Bhagavad-Gita is that the living entity is the eternal soul and not the body, and thus any bodily designations like castes is not supported by the Bhagavad-Gita. The concept of castes only arises among those who believe the living entity is the body (non-Vedic religious systems).
The current Hindu caste system in India is a complete corruption of the Vedic social work order system, because it’s based on birth (caste from birth) and not based on the attitudes, qualities, and consciousness developed. The Vedic scriptures do not authorize a caste system which is fixed from birth, they authorize a social work order system which is based on qualifications.
“It is therefore to be concluded that humanity is essentially one, but distinctions of caste have been made according to a person’s qualities and work. As far as general behavior is concerned, the entire human race is one. There is only a difference in people’s occupations and attitudes. Those who divide society into castes according to birth cannot see that human beings are essentially one. After all, the birth, maintenance, death, and bodily activities are only of one kind.” (Bhavishya Purana, 42.33-34)
It is very clear from above that the current caste system in India, which is based on dividing society into castes from birth with no consideration for qualities, attitudes, and consciousness developed, is completely rejected by this Vedic scripture and others.
“The caste system based simply on birth does not actually divide people according to their development of consciousness. It is one’s envy and hatred or lack of it that allows us to place him/her in a higher or lower category.” (Bhavishya Purana, 40.19-20)
As stated above, it is due to envy, hate, and personal ego that people in India have corrupted the Vedic social work order system and created a caste system.
Definition of The Vedic Social Work Order System
In human society, there are 4 categories or social work order of personnel:
Leaders to guide the society
Law and order administration and enforcement personnel
Businessmen, farmers, and animal welfare personnel
Workers to support all the above personnel
The above is naturally present in all societies in the world and the concept originates from the Vedic scriptures. The Vedic scriptures created this concept and gave the criteria which should be used to assign personnel to the appropriate category. This is the Vedic social work order system. This is logical, just, and scientific. It’s not about putting people in low category or high category, it’s about placing people in suitable roles in society based on their abilities. The Bhagavad-Gita very clearly confirms this as follows:
“Brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras are distinguished by their qualities of work, O chastiser of the enemy, in accordance with the modes of nature.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.41)
“According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me. And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the nondoer, being unchangeable.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 4.13)
“According to their nature and qualities, there are prescribed duties for brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras.” (Bhavishya Purana, 42.24)
Once again, the Vedic scriptures authorize a social work order system which is based on the qualities developed, and the attitude of a person. A person will belong to one of four social work order categories:
“Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, wisdom, knowledge, and religiousness–these are the qualities by which the brahmanas work.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.42)
Those who possess the above qualities should be the Brahmanas: teachers and advisers in society.
“Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity, and leadership are the qualities of work for the ksatriyas.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.43)
Those who possess the above qualities should be the Ksatriyas: police, military, and administrators in society.
“Farming, cow protection and business are the qualities of work for the vaisyas, and for the sudras there is labor and service to others.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.44)
Vaisyas – Those who possess good trading and farming skills, should be the traders (business owners), farmers, and cow protectors.
Sudras – Those who don’t possess the qualities of the above three categories should be the general workers and assistants.
Without the Vedic social work order system, there is no motivation to develop abilities, because there is no consideration for abilities when assigning people for roles in society. This is the case everywhere in the World today. The leaders in most countries around the world are thieves, liars, and irreligious. They are not qualified to be leaders. They don’t know what they are doing, and the result is that public suffers with injustice, high taxes, corruption, inflation, unemployment, and insecurity.
The Social Work Order System is Not for Religious Standing
The Bhagavad-Gita very clearly states that regardless of the social order class a person belongs to, everyone can go back to the supreme destination. The abode of Lord Krishna, the kingdom of God. Thus, a Brahmin who performs Deity service in a Temple and a Sudra who cleans the floor in the Temple are both of equal standing with Lord Krishna. But both have different social work order due to different personal abilities.
“O son of Pṛtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth – women, vaisyas [merchants] and sudras [workers] – can attain the supreme destination.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.32)
There is corruption in many countries, including India, because they do not assign personnel in government roles, based on capabilities and qualifications. They do not follow the Vedic social work order system.
It is a fact that everyone will not develop the same qualities. Lord Krishna (God) realizes this fact and He created the Vedic social work order system so that everyone is placed in roles in society which are suitable for them, but Lord Krishna does not dictate who belongs to what role. This is our choice, we have free will. Which means we can develop ourselves to become Brahmins or Sudras. It’s our choice, Lord Krishna (God) is not a dictator.
The Caste System is authorized in Non-Vedic Scriptures
Those outside India, often link the Hindu caste system with Sanatan-Dharma, but this is false, because the caste system is very clearly rejected by the Sanatan-Dharma scriptures. The caste system is only prescribed in the non-Vedic scriptures. Which clearly state that those who do not follow their religion are automatically caste for eternal hell, and they divide humans into believers and unbelievers, purely based on religion following, without any consideration for pious deeds, qualifications, and behavior. They even refer to those who do not follow their religion, as untouchables.
Are Some People Good from Birth or Bad from Birth?
Some people do have the good qualities already developed in them from birth and some have bad qualities from birth and do not change. This is due to their consciousness development in past lives. People have inclinations towards good or bad qualities from birth, but they can easily change them based on their upbringing. Lord Krishna confirms this in the Bhagavad-Gita in the case of Arjuna.
“The transcendental qualities are conducive to liberation, whereas the demoniac qualities make for bondage. Do not worry, O son of Pandu, for you are born with the divine qualities.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 16.5)
In this verse, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that he has the good qualities from birth. Consciousness development continues from one life to another. No good effort is ever lost.
Everyone can develop good qualities and change their nature to divine by practicing the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita.
The Vedic social work order system is an intelligent design to ensure society functions properly by assigning people to roles based on their abilities.