The six pillars of Sanatan-Dharma are: Truthfulness, Mercy, Charity, Cleanliness, Austerity, Spiritual Education.
Going to temples or chanting mantras or worshiping does not mean that one is religious or a good person. Being religious or a good person means having certain qualities. Having and developing these qualities is what makes one a Sanatani, a follower of the pillars of Sanatan-Dharma.
Consistently telling the truth and being transparent in actions and words, being trustworthy in personal and professional relationships.
One should understand and feel the pains of others. This is the basic definition of a vaishnava.
Be generous and considerate without expecting anything in return, contribute to the well-being and happiness of others.
Be accountable for your actions and duties.
Control yourself and be tolerant, especially in difficult or frustrating situations. Be thoughtful in your responses.
Be grateful and appreciative for what others have done for you or others.