There are 2 types of humans in the material world.

1. The Qualities of Humans who have low consciousness

  • They are not grateful.
  • They are not appreciative.
  • They are not responsive, they don’t reply to questions or inquiries.
  • They don’t think of others, only themselves.
  • They are not considerate of others. For example they will block others.
  • They are miserely with everyone. They will eat half chappti and feed others maybe quater chappati.

2. The Qualities of Humans who have high consciousness

  • They are very grateful to others.
  • They are very appreciative of others.
  • They are responsive. They will reply to all questions and inquiries.
  • They think of the welfare of others and not themselves.
  • They are most considerate of everyone. They will think of the well being and security of everyone.
  • They are miserly to themselves but never to others. They will eat one chapatti, but feed others 10 chappatis each.

To change from low to high, or to remain high. One needs to regularly learn from genuine Gurus like and many others. The genuine Gurus are those who do not ask for money, have proper knowledge, and they practice themselves what they preach to others.

Please forget the past and from this day on, develop the qualities of high consciousness.