1. We have to first feed our own children before we feed the children of others.
  2. We have to first take care of ourselves, before we take care of others.
  3. We have to first clean our own home before we clean the homes of others.
  4. We have to first maintain our own home, before we maintain the homes of others.
  5. We have to first serve those in our own home, before we serve others outside our home.
  6. We have to first pay our own bills, before we pay the bills of others.
  7. We have to first speak the truth ourselves, before we tell others to speak the truth.
  8. We have to first support our local Temple, before we support Temples outside our Town.
  9. We have to fix our car first, before we fix the cars of others.
  10. We have to first keep ourselves clean, before we tell others to keep clean.
  11. We have to first read ourselves, before we tell others to read.
  12. We have to first look inside ourselves, before we look inside others.
  13. We have to first love those inside our own home, before we love those outside our home.
  14. We have to first fix ourselves, before we try to fix others.
  15. We have to first look at our own financial situation, before we look at others.
  16. We have to first trust those in our own home, before we trust those outside.